Grand Gala Show
Legend has it that Klek Entòs was born in 1888 on the island of Jersey. His life took a tragic turn when a hotel fire, just weeks before his wedding, sealed his fate with the death of his fiancée.
In a desperate attempt to save his beloved, Klek tried to break down the door with an axe, but paralyzed by his fear of the flames, he lacked the strength to enter. Since that day, he has carried that axe at all times, as one bears their cross.
Severely burned by the fire, Klek now wears a mask and gloves to conceal his scars. After his recovery, he turned to occult magic, hoping to reunite with his fiancée or at least communicate with her one last time to say farewell.
Now, Klek Entòs devotes himself to confronting people with their own fears. He seeks to remind them of the precious gift of life. It is in moments of intense confrontation that one feels most alive—when fear fades, and the true value of each moment becomes clear.