Chris Philpott



Chris Philpott is a filmmaker and magician. He has written and directed three award-winning feature films, including Fairytales and Pornography, which won Best Director at The Palm Beach International Film Festival. He has written for many studios, production companies and networks, including Lionsgate, Phoenix Films, TNT, Syfy, CBC and CTV.

Chris has created effects and written for many great magicians, including Derren Brown, Cyril Takayama and two America’s Got Talent finalists.  He is best known as the creator of The 100th Monkey. When Dan Harlan (host of the Penguin lectures, a series of over 500 internet lectures by prominent magicians) was asked “Of the lectures, what’s been your most memorable moment?” he answered, “Chris Philpott! He brought the most dramatic presentations, things where you really cared about what was going on. Really, really smart thinking!”